Evansville Police Warn Cell Service May Not Be Reliable During Eclipse
The Evansville Police Department has issued a warning to residents and visitors to the city ahead of the total solar eclipse taking place on Monday, April 8, 2024.
80,000 People Expected to Visit Evansville for the Eclipse
Officials say they are expecting nearly 80,000 people to visit the city of Evansville for the solar eclipse. The number of visitors will almost double the population of the city which sits at approximately 120,000. Across Indiana, visitor totals are expected to reach 1 million people.
Expect the Eclipse to Create Delays in Traffic and Travel
With the influx of visitors, and the subsequent traffic, and strain on infrastructure, a State of Emergency has already been issued by Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb. Indiana State Police, Indiana Department of Transportation, and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security have advised that you plan ahead and "Arrive Early | Stay Put | Leave Late"

Do Not Stop In or On the Roadway to View the Eclipse
The Vanderburgh County Sheriffs office made a statement on social media encouraging residents and visitors to be safe. They went on to remind folks to not stop on the roadways, including the shoulders, and to not wear eclipse viewing glasses while driving.
Evansville Police Issue Warning Ahead of Eclipse
The Evansville Police Department is now issuing a warning about the potential strain on communications that the influx of visitors may have, In a post shared to Facebook, they recommend that you should not expect to rely on your cell phone.
Don't rely on your cell phone service to be as reliable as normal. With so many people concentrated in one area, it can disrupt cellular service.
Be Prepared and Have a Meeting Place
EPD says that those planning to view the eclipse should have a plan that includes a meeting place in case you are separated from your group.
With cell phone service being spotty, it is recommended to have a preplanned meeting place after the event for you and your family, should you get separated.
Planning Ahead Is Going to Be Imperative
We cannot stress enough the need to plan ahead. This is a once in a lifetime event, but it could very easily turn into a stressful one without proper planning. Keep reading to see some things you should pack in your car before you head off to view the eclipse.
[Source: Evansville Police Department via Facebook]
2024 Total Solar Eclipse Travel Packing Guide
Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals