Is a New Roller Coaster Coming to Holiday World in Indiana?
Less than a week after news broke that Holiday World & Splashin' Safari had made the decision to shut down Raging Rapids after 33 years of service, rumors are being spread around the internet that the park has plans to build a new "family boomerang" rollercoaster on the spot that was once home to the spot in the park's Thanksgiving section where Pilgrim's Plunge once sat.
A video posted on Sunday (June 17th) by the YouTube channel, Coaster Focus, was one of the first to report (that I'm aware of) on the possibility of the new coaster. The narrator of the video initially references a rumor from another source that suggests Holiday World is looking to add a Happy Birthday section to the park and that the new coaster would be part of it. However, he does note that source isn't always the most reliable. A couple of minutes later he shares shipping information from a company that designs and builds boomerang coasters showing a shipment being made from their company to the Koch Development Corporation, the owners of Holiday World. That information is shared around the 5:58 mark.

Fast forward to Tuesday (June 20th), and the Evansville-based Facebook page, Evansville 411 News, a page whose administrators track and report on new commercial developments being planned around the area, shared similar information about the shipment from Vekoma Rides Manufacturing to Holiday World and noted that the park submitted paperwork with the State of Indiana back in April and May for a project called "Gravy Boat."
We reached out to Leah Koch-Blumhardt, Director of Communications for the park, by text and asked her if there were any truth to the rumors. She neither confirmed nor denied any of the reports. Here is her response:
We're really impressed with the internet sleuths, but we're not ready to spill the gravy boat just yet. Follow us on social media for updates and clues starting soon.
What is a Boomerang Coaster?
Obviously, Holiday World is staying tight-lipped as to whether or not there is any truth to rumors, which is understandable. So, while we wait for official word, let's say the rumors are true, that a "family boomerang roller coaster" will be the newest addition to Holiday World at some point in the future. While the name "boomerang roller coaster" sounds exciting, what is it exactly?
Like the curved, wooden hunting tool it's named after, a boomerang coaster starts like a regular coaster, propelling its riders forward through a series of turns and loops. However, unlike a regular coaster, it doesn't loop around and return to the starting point. Instead, the track ends at the top of an incline, and passengers are sent back through the entire ride backward.
Be sure to keep an eye on Holiday World's Facebook page, YouTube channel, and other social media accounts to see if and when they confirm the possible new addition.
[Sources: Coaster Focus on YouTube / Evansville 411 News on Facebook / National Museum Australia / Theme Park Review on YouTube]