It might be convenient for you to do this in Indiana parking lots, but it's beyond annoying to other drivers.

Alright, I'm going to start this off by saying that I realize I sound like a bitter old man here, but I know that I am not the only one who finds things like this to be annoying. We all see things happen when we are driving that make us yell at someone in another vehicle. It could be someone not using a turn signal, going too slow in the fast lane, or even someone tailgating you on the highway. There are several other scenarios that could lead to you being annoyed at other drivers. I had one of those happen this week and I have to vent. So hear me out.

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Here's What Happened...

The other day, I was getting ready to park at Walmart. As I began to turn my wheel into the parking spot, I immediately had to get on my brakes. Why? Because a person in the lane right next to me decided to pull forward all the way into the spot that I was turning into. What's annoying about this, other than the fact that I had to park further away was the fact that this parking lot is set up with one-way lanes. So, this driver pulled forward and would eventually leave in the wrong direction.

Now, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. One time, I was leaving Walmart and as I was getting ready to back out of my parking spot, a vehicle came flying through. First off, you should never be driving that fast in any parking lot. Secondly, this parking lot was the same one with the one-way lanes. The vehicle that was flying by was going the wrong way. So, for those who need it, here is a free lesson on how to drive in parking lots with one-way lanes.

Google Maps
Google Maps

How To Drive In Parking Lots With One-Way Lanes

One-way parking lots are quite common in Indiana and other states. Unlike a normal parking lot, these parking lots control traffic by creating designated one-way lanes where you will have to essentially make an "S" pattern to get from one lane to another. You will see an example of one of these parking lots below:

Google Maps
Google Maps

As you can see, these parking spots are at an angle pointing in the direction in which you are meant to drive. As I said, it controls traffic and it also makes it a little easier to park in these lots. Common sense tells you how to drive in these parking lots, but as you know, common sense isn't too common anymore. So let's break this down a little more in-depth for those who still don't understand.

This is an example of a lane where you CAN drive down from this position. As you can see, the parking spots are angled making it easy to pull in from this direction. The arrow is a pretty good indicator of which way you are supposed to drive in this lane too.

Google Maps
Google Maps

The photo below shows you an example of a lane in which you should NOT drive down in a parking lot like this. Cars are coming in the opposite direction, the parking spots are angled where it would be hard to park your vehicle, and as with the photo above, there is also an arrow pointing in the direction you are supposed to drive down. If you pull into a lane like this you're WRONG. Don't do it!

Google Maps
Google Maps

There are a few lanes in parking lots like this where you can drive both ways. They are also designated by arrows at the end of the lane and the parking spaces on both sides are in opposite directions.

Google Maps
Google Maps

I wasn't able to find anything on it being illegal to drive in the opposite direction in parking lots, you're still not supposed to do that, as each lane is designated one way. The lanes typically aren't wide enough to have someone driving in the correct direction AND someone driving the wrong way. Not only that but vehicles who are backing out typically aren't looking in the direction opposite in which they are backing out, so it could lead to a potential accident in the parking lot. On top of all of that, it's annoying seeing someone driving the wrong way in parking lots like this.

To sum this all up, don't be one of those people who drive in the opposite direction in parking lots like this. Drive in the right direction in these parking lots and you won't have bitter old men like myself talking crap about you from our vehicles. Please and thank you! Okay...I feel better now. Bitter old man rant OVER!

KEEP READING: 40 Real Indiana Towns with Quirky, Weird, and Funny Names

Outside the major cities, the Hoosier state is full of tiny little towns you've probably passed through on your way to one of those cities. Most of them are likely 100 to 150 years old, or older, and have been around far longer than the large metropolitan areas such as Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South Bend, and Evansville. Typically, they were started by early settlers who found their way to the state and decided to make it home. Eventually, others would join them, and a community was formed. Over time, as the surrounding areas grew, most of them were folded into those areas and governed by the nearest city or county's governing body officially making them "unincorporated," meaning they did not have their own formally organized municipal government.

A scroll through Wikipedia's long list of unincorporated communities in Indiana shows several of them have names that by today's standards would be considered weird, quirky, or just downright right funny. These are my 40 favorities.

Gallery Credit: Ryan O'Bryan

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