If you are full of random knowledge, put it to the test for a good cause at the 12th annual Jacob's Village Trivia Night.

What is Jacob's Village?

Since 1999, Jacob's Village has provided affordable and accessible housing for people with disabilities and older adults in the Evansville area.  There are several residents who call Jacob's Village home, and there is a real sense of community where neighbors know neighbors. It's truly a special place. According to Jacob's Village :

The mission of Jacob’s Village is to develop a safe, walkable neighborhood community where people with disabilities and older adults can find meaningful relationships, housing that is affordable and accessible, and activities that encourage active minds and bodies.

Throughout the year, the organization hosts several events to help raise money for the residents at Jacob's Village, and one event coming up will give you the opportunity to share your trivia knowledge.

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12th Annual Jacob's Village Trivia Night

Jacob’s Village will host its 12th annual Trivia Night, which is an event to benefit people with disabilities here in the Evansville area. It's an evening full of fun, friends, food, and of course...trivia. You can get a group of eight friends together, reserve a table, and get ready to play as a team! Oh, and if you aren't full of random knowledge about pop culture, music, movies, sports, or anything trivia-related, that's okay. You don’t have to be a trivia buff to enjoy this fun evening.

Trivia Night will take place on Saturday, November 9th, at the Friedman Park Event Center in Newburgh. The event is $40 per person, each team will have eight members, and the ticket also includes trivia, fried chicken dinner, and a cash bar. There is also a $50 VIP option that includes preferred seating and dessert.

Jacob's Village
Jacob's Village

This event sells out pretty fast, so if you would like to attend, you should reserve your table ASAP. You can do so by contacting Laura at 812-598-4122 or via email at Lhurt@jacobsvillage.org.

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Gallery Credit: Travis Sams

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