Fairlawn Elementary Students Auctioning Art to Help Send a Child in Kenya to School
Talk about kids with big hearts! Many students at Fairlawn Elementary school have donated their time and talents to create African-inspired art pieces. The pieces are being auctioned off to help send a child in Kenya to school.
This Saturday the Karibu Kenya Annual Dinner is happening, it's a meal of authentic Kenyan cuisine, cooked by Kenyans who live in Evansville.What better way to learn about another culture, than through delicious food?! To kick off the fundraiser, for Friends of Dago, Fairlawn Elementary students have created African-inspired art pieces to be auctioned off. You can see those pieces, and even bid on them, here! Their goal is to to sponsor one Kenyan child to school for a year.
The money from the auction will go to support Friends of Dago a non-profit based in Evansville.
Friends of Dago, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Evansville, Indiana whose mission is to provide support to Dago Dala Hera children center and Dago community in Western Kenya.
Dago Dala Hera is charged with the care of 120 orphans and vulnerable children who have been affected by the AIDS epidemic in Africa.
Dago Dala Hera means "A Home of Love" in the local Luo language and Friends of Dago, Inc. was created to support Dago's Home of Love.
If you're interested in the Karibu Kenya dinner, here's all the information from their Facebook page!
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, Aldersgate UMC and Friends of Dago, Inc. will hold its yearly “Karibu Kenya.”
This event, held in the Family Life Center of the church, includes:
• Traditional Kenyan meal (cooked by Kenyans living in Evansville)
• Sale of African crafts
• Silent auction items
• EntertainmentThe goal for the event is to fund our 14th year of work in southwestern Kenya. All of the proceeds this year will go toward one of our projects, an Early Childhood Development program in Dago Village. We offer child sponsorships, which include school fees, uniforms, shoes, 2 hot meals a day, and teachers’ salaries for these preschool children. Through this program they receive a head start before taking the exam that lets them attend the local primary school in Dago village.
Best way to support our cause includes:
• Join us for $25/person
• Purchase a personal/business/company table for $200
• Purchase and donate a table to a community group for $200
• Donate silent auction items for our cause
• Give towards Sponsorship levels of giving ...
Friend $100-$250
Supporter $251-$500
Sustainer $501-$1000Hope to see you and join hands in giving.
Online at www.aldersgateum.org
Click on GIVE, and pay as a GUEST.
or use the direct link to the guest page: https://public.serviceu.com/ ContributionForm/ 20493?orgkey=8f0e8d4e-559e- 401b-9744-5a1accbcdbe2&the meid=2903&SGUID=3CE6A72A-E 23D-46A5-B31A-EF72B84C7F26 &RN=943930552
(General donations may also be made in this way.)For more information about the silent auction or to arrange pick up of your items, please contact Lynn Renne at 812-477-7816 or lynn.renne@aldersgateum.or
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