EVSC Hosting Bus Driver Career Day at Central on June 11th
The Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation is looking to add a few good people to their fleet of bus drivers. Interested?
The Corporation will host a "Bus Driver Career Day" at Central High School on Tuesday, June 11th in the lower parking lot of Central High School (along First Avenue) from 8:00 a.m. until Noon giving you the chance to meet and talk with representatives about the job requirements, benefits, hours, or anything else relating to driving a school bus that pops in your head. You'll also have a chance to get behind the wheel of a bus to see how it feels, so be sure to bring your driver's license.
The position is part-time with flexible hours usually between 6:00 - 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. weekdays, but offers full time benefits including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, as well as paid holidays, sick days, and retirement benefits.
A Commercial Drivers License (CDL) is required to drive a school bus, but don't worry if you don't have one. If you land the gig, the EVSC will pay for you to get it.
For more info, call the EVSC at 812-435-1287.
[Source: EVSC on Facebook]
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