Evansville Otters Hosting Otterbelle Tryouts for 2022 Season
While it's still up in the air as to whether we're going to get an MLB season this year, you can still spend summer nights at the ballpark with the Evansville Otters. If you've never been to an Otters game, where have you been? Something about spending a warm summer evening at historic Bosse Field, cheering on our Evansville Otters there are few things I'd rather do in the summertime. It truly makes for the perfect summer evening.
Looking for Otterbelles
If you're looking for a way to get involved, maybe becoming an Otterbelle is for you! The Otterbelles are the Otters promotional dance team.
When are Otterbelle Tryouts
The Otters will be hosting Otterbelle tryouts on Saturday, April 2nd at 2:00 PM.
What Happens at Tryouts?
Per the Evansville Otters Facebook page, the Otterbelle tryouts will:
Consist of an interview, followed by learning and performing a 1-minute dance routine. Prospective Otterbelles should wear tryout attire such as tennis shoes, shorts, or leggings, and a t-shirt.
Is there an age requirement?
Yep! You must be at least 16 years old to try out.
Interested in more info?
You can contact Lily Becker, who is the head Otterbelle coach, at EvansvilleOtterbelles@gmail.com.
About 4 years ago Ryan O'Bryan from our sister station 99.5 WKDQ tried out for the Otterbelles, and maybe he can convince you to try out! I mean hey, if he can do it, you can too!
The countdown is officially on until baseball season starts in the Tri-State! 72 days (from today March, 2nd) until opening night, and I cannot wait!
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