Dream Center Evansville Drive Thru Trick or Treat Event Canceled
Dream Center Evansville does so much for kids and families, and they had a super fun Halloween event planned, but they have made the difficult decision to cancel it.
It's really easy to let our guard down, especially around friends and family, unknowingly letting COVID-19 spread. Personally, my son has had it, and my mother in law died from it just last week. So, even though it's sad to see more and more events canceled, this really needs to be a wake up call. The positive cases in our area are still rising.
Mayor Winnecke's executive order placing restrictions on the number of people that can attend social and civic gatherings went into effect today (October 19, 2020). Hopefully, this will help, but we all need to do our part, to stop the spread of this deadly virus.
Dream Center Evansville's drive-thru Trick or Treating event was planned for October 31, 2020 from 2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. in Garvin Park.
Out of an abundance of caution, sadly we have opted to cancel this drive thru trick or treating event. We appreciate your understanding.