Dear Teachers, Thank You for Being Awesome During These Storms!
Back in the day, when there was a tornado threat we'd all pile into the first grade "basement" wing hallways and sit with a book over our heads. It was stressful for me...
But what I hadn't ever realized is that it's really stressful for teachers and administrators too. When I wrote up a blog early this morning that there was a "slight" risk of severe weather and drove from our Indiana home to Owensboro, KY, I never imagined I'd be glued to my computer screen watching Wayne Hart update me about the tornado warnings in Warrick County and worrying about my daughter's safety.
Finally, I got an update from her teacher that the kids were safe. I knew there were no tornadoes that touched down in the area but the fear that your baby might not be safe and you are not near is gut wrenching. I also know that my daughter has a fear of storms and can become very frightened. But thankfully her teacher held her until she calmed down.
How awesome is that? She held my kiddo when I couldn't. And then the outpouring of other parents who received similar updates from teachers started pouring in on Facebook. Check out the conversation below my friend Crystal posted. The caption read, " I texted Drew's teacher....bc of a tornado in the area...I was freaking out. And Drew looks like...'can we get some popcorn and a movie while we wait this out.'"
I literally laughed out loud!
Teachers do so much more than teach Math and English. And it can't be easy. So shout out to all the teachers and administrators who sat in a stuffy bathroom or hallway with a group of antsy, emotional children.
We appreciate you!
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