‘Cinematic Christmas Journey’ Takes You Behind the Scenes of Your Favorite Holiday Movies
You can ask a dozen different people what the best Christmas movie is and you would probably get a dozen different answers. There are so many to choose from, but there are clearly a few that stand out from the rest. We've all seen the classics a bunch of times, and we all know the lines by heart. It's safe to say we are all pretty familiar with what is on the screen. I guess that means the only thing left to take a Cinematic Christmas Journey and go behind the scenes of those all-time holiday classics.
A Cinematic Christmas Journey is a new podcast series hosted by Peter Billingsly, who is best known for his role as Ralphie in 1983's A Christmas Story. The weekly series is free and available exclusively on Spotify. Some of the movies visited on this Journey include A Christmas Story (duh), Home Alone, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, It's a Wonderful Life, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and more. I don't know if you need to see the trailer to convince you to check it out or not, but here it is nonetheless.
Welcome to A Cinematic Christmas Journey, where we explore the themes, scenes, and elements from the movies you love. During the holidays, Christmas movies bring us all together. Join hosts Peter Billingsley and Nick Schenk to learn how your favorite films were made with interviews from actors, directors, and industry insiders.

The first episode (which is available now) is all about A Christmas Story. Billingsly and his co-host Nick Schenk are joined by actors Scott Schwartz and R.D. Robb, who played Ralphie's pals Flick and Schwartz, and by Ian Petrella, who played Ralphie's little brother, Randy. Give it a watch/listen here.
[h/t: collider.com]