My friend Joe shared this story up north last week and I knew I had to share it with ya'll.  There's a New Jersey Christmas tree farm called Wyckoff's that's known for selling colored Christmas trees.  I gotta say.  I'm slightly obsessed.

As you can see in the video, Wyckoff's offers a virtual Crayola assortment of colors:  pink, purple, dark blue, light blue, turquoise, magenta, black, white and red.  And, yes!  Your eyes weren't deceiving you.  They even have a 'Murica tree that is literally red, white and blue.Okay, I understand that evergreen trees are the standard Christmas tradition.  But, I have to be honest.  These trees are so cool and I want one.  And, for me, that's saying a lot because I have an aversion to live trees because I am afraid they will catch on fire.
But I have to have one of these.  Which means one of two things.  #1- I am going to have to gas up Rhonda the Ram and road trip to the western side of New Jersey.  Or, a more viable option I think, #2- a local Christmas tree farm is going to need to figure out how to do this and starting growing these within driving distance.
And, I want to hear from you!  Are colored Christmas trees "gaudy" or nice?  LOL!

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