From the office of Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke


A new traffic signal at the intersection of South Green River Road and Pollack Avenue is set to be completed by July 31. The traffic signal, located near Caze Elementary School, was installed to improve pedestrian safety and decrease the risk of traffic accidents.

City Engineer Brent Schmitt said the intersection at Green River and Pollack has been the site of numerous traffic accidents. “From our standpoint, the traffic signal will eliminate the need for drivers to make a judgement call on who arrived at the four-way stop first and which driver should proceed first. The new traffic signal will dictate the right-of-way,” Schmitt said. “Instead of pulling up to the four-way stop and waving at motorists to drive through the intersection potentially causing an accident, drivers will receive a green light.”

Hummel Electric began installing the traffic signal in late June. The project includes school zone flashers, crosswalk flashers and automated signal controls. The traffic signal is currently flashing red in all directions to give motorists time to become acclimated to the new light prior to the beginning of the new school year in August.

“Due to the public outcry warning of the danger of this intersection, I was pleased to be able to work with the mayor and his administration to find funding for this traffic light at Pollack and Green River Road,” said Second Ward City Councilwoman Missy Mosby. “Nearby residents and business owners are very excited about this new safety improvement.”

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