The only known solid brown reticulated giraffe in the world was born at a Tennessee Zoo. They are holding a contest to help name this unique baby girl. Cast your vote!
Discover the birth of a solid brown giraffe at Brights Zoo, a unique conservation opportunity. Learn about this rare giraffe and how you can help choose her name.
In a sign that the Bronx Zoo probably needs to improve its security, the NY Daily News is reporting that a female peacock (or peahen) has escaped from the zoo and is now making its way through the streets of New York.
Three Bronx Zoo staffers reportedly failed to rescue the peahen around noon on Tuesday before it flew off into the Manhattan wildlife
The highly venomous cobra, which made headlines after she escaped from her holding cage in the Bronx Zoo last Friday, was captured Thursday morning in a dark corner of the Reptile House, according to Bronx Zoo officials.
During her week on the lam the Egyptian Cobra has become a world-wide celebrity, and a joke Twitter account set up on the snake's behalf now has about 200,000 followers.
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A highly poisonous Egyptian cobra got loose this weekend at New York's Bronx Zoo, sending guests, zoo neighbors and zookeepers alike into a nervous tizzy. The 20 inch-long snake forced the zoo to shut down and stay closed through Sunday.