The drone controversy on the East Coast is quickly also becoming an Illinois problem as many UFO reports over the state during the past 5 days are now believed to be drones.
If you consider yourself someone who enjoys the nightlife, you no doubt want to adventure into the cities in Illinois that never sleep. However, there are 10 that you really should avoid entering as they become extra dangerous after dark.
This is not what you want to hear if you love fried chicken fast and live in Illinois. At least 8 locations in the state closed permanently this week and it appears they did so with no warning whatsoever.
Every time I think I understand technology, something like this happens. During some recent research involving artificial intelligence, a strange conversation took place where the bots issued sudden warnings about Illinois places I should avoid at all costs.
I would like to shake the hand of every member of the Peoria, Illinois senior class that participated in this prank. It ranks as one of the best I've ever seen. They hired a bagpiper to follow their principle around for his entire day and there's video to prove it.