The Evansville Museum of Arts, History, & Science welcomes Grammy-nominated percussionist, James Hood's Mesmerica to the Koch Immersive Theatre and Planetarium. Tickets available now.
One of the biggest gripes people from Evansville have is that there's nothing to do. As a native myself, I've certainly said that a time or ten. Maybe it's because we're too "inside the box." Meaning we can't step back and see what our city has to offer because we're too close. We're here every day, so the attractions we have are just another part of the landscape, like any random house
LEGOs have come a long way since they were invented in 1932. No longer are they simply small, plastic bricks for kids to build rectangular cars that would never be practical in the real world, they've become part of pop culture as the basis for countless video games, and one of the best movies ever. But despite all that, at the end of the day, they're still simply small, plastic bricks kids of al