I don't mean this as any offense Illinois, but I've never envisioned the state as a superhero. Perhaps I should as a report says the federal government is giving the state of Illinois $430 million dollars to save the world - more or less.
If I'm being truthful with myself, I'm probably not putting out enough effort to properly recycle items. However, in my defense, there are a number of items that you'd think a person in Illinois could recycle, but can't. The list includes some curious things.
Is there ever a time when one doesn't have to rake the yard? In the spring, summer, and maybe fall, it's grass clippings, and primarily in the fall, it's tons and tons of fallen leaves. The leaves you pile up to jump into, the leaves you stuff into a giant smiling jack-o-lantern (garbage bag) with for Halloween decor, the leaves that fill the gutters, and so on.