One Whiskey Company Wants To Pay You $50 to Skip Work on St. Patrick’s Day
If you're planning on celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year, you probably don't want to go into work.
Let's be honest, after the year we have had I can see why people might want to indulge in a few adult beverages (while practicing social distancing) this St. Patrick's Day. There likely won't be a lot of huge celebrations at bars again this year, but that doesn't mean that you can't wear your finest green attire, get some takeout, and have a few drinks at home March 17th.
Why not take the day off? Many people haven't taken their vacation days since the start of the pandemic so Jameson Irish Whiskey has decided to give you a little incentive. They've launched a campaign called Jameson S-P-T-O. It’s like PTO, but made for St. Patrick’s Day. The hope of SPTO is that folks will take advantage of one of their PTO days on St. Patrick's Day to have some fun celebrating and enjoying life. Which is something that I think all of us could benefit from. It's been stressful and crazy throughout this pandemic. A little time off goes a long way!
So Jameson is asking people to take their "SPTO pledge" this year by committing to request Wednesday, March 17th off work. Those who do take the pledge can enter for a chance to win a little extra cash for taking the day off. You can enter the SPTO Sweepstakes where the company will select 1,000 entries to win $50. I mean, you're taking PTO time from work, so you're still getting paid, but you're also getting an extra $50 for doing it. That $50 can go toward whatever you want. Who couldn't use an extra $50, right?

Here's the cool thing about this. Jameson will also donate an extra $50 per winner to to the Restaurant Workers Community Foundation to complement the $150,000 donation they are making this St. Patrick’s Day.
Those who want to take Jameson up on this offer this year, you can enter to win by clicking here.
(H/T- Thrilllist)
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