Kentucky has an invasive species problem and it's one the Commonwealth shares with a lot of other states, regions, or just wide spots in the road. The Asian carp is America's villain because it does not belong in U.S. waters and it wreaks havoc on our ecological systems.

The Asian Carp Menace in Kentucky

If you've seen an Asian carp, you might not have known that it's such an enormous headache; it looks like a typical fish you'd find in any lake or river. But the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources has been monitoring their presence in Kentucky waters for seven years, and the population keeps returning. Here's why you can't move enough mountains to get these things out of our lives:

They can out-compete native species for resources and some females are capable of producing over 1 million eggs annually, causing their numbers to grow at an alarming rate. Additionally, silver carp pose a danger to boaters due to the jumping behavior they exhibit when startled. As a result, this behavior can put them on a collision course with boaters causing injury to individuals and property.

Kentucky Man Creates an 'Asian Carp Destroyer'

The KDFWR goes above and beyond the call of duty on our lakes and rivers in an ongoing effort to rid us of these invasive pests, but now there's a new player in the game, and he's bringing his own equipment to enter the fray. It seems Tim Brown of Gilbertsville KY is well aware of the Asian carp problem:

One wonders if Kentucky will EVER be free of the Asian carp nuisance, as prolific as they are. But if there are enough Tim Browns in the world to aid in their capture, we might just have a fighting chance.

LOOK: Record fish caught in Kentucky

Stacker compiled a list of fishing records in Kentucky from Land Big Fish.

Gallery Credit: Stacker