There has been plenty of drone-related hysteria in and around Illinois, and many residents are wondering what they can legally do about drones flying over their property.

The short answer? Shooting down a drone is not only illegal but can also result in some serious consequences.

Shooting Down Drones is a Federal Offense

Under federal law, drones are classified as aircraft, so shooting one down would be considered a federal crime.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees all airspace in the United States, and destroying or interfering with an airplane violates Title 18 US Code § 32.

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This law applies regardless of where the drone is flying over your or someone else's property.

What Kind of Trouble Can You Get Into For Shooting Down Drones?

Shooting a drone could result in significant fines, criminal charges, and potential lawsuits from the drone's owner.

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Firearm discharging in many Illinois towns like Chicago and Rockford is regulated and often prohibited within city limits.

Even in areas where firearms can be discharged, using one legally to target a drone could endanger people and property nearby, further creating legal drama.

For Illinois residents concerned bout their privacy or safety, there are alternatives to addressing those unwanted drones.

How to Deal With Annoying Drone Operators

The FAA has guidelines for reporting suspicious or unsafe drone operations.

Local law enforcement can also get involved if a drone is used for harassment or other illegal activities.


Installing proper privacy measures, such as a tall fence or other anti-drone technology like a signal jammer may provide you some peace of mind, though these also have their legal limits.

While drones can feel intrusive, grabbing the nearest shotgun isn't the answer.

Keeping informed about the laws and working through the proper channels is the safest and most effective way to handle related issues.

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