Study Reveals Best & Worst Drivers By State – Here’s Where Tennessee Ranks
As someone who loves a good road trip, I have encountered some really bad drivers during my travels. In a recent study released by Forbes, we have learned states with the best and the worst drivers. Keep reading to see where Tennessee lands on the list.
Key Bad Driving Habits
In the study, analysts looked at a number of key habits of drivers in every state - from running red lights and failing to signal when merging to speeding and tailgating - to rank each state's drivers (and their habits).
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American Motorists Worst Habit
As a whole, the worst habit of motorists across the United States is speeding. According to researchers, 39% of licensed drivers in America admitted to speeding (less than 10 over) in the last month. A staggering 14% admitted to speeding between 10 to 19 over the posted limit in the last month.

More Bad Habits Behind the Wheel
Speeding isn't the only bad habit for American motorists. In the past month, 29% admitted to eating while driving, and 22% admitted to speeding up to beat a yellow light. Texting while driving is another bad habit that 12% of drivers admitted to doing in the last month.
Where Are the Worst Drivers in the United States
When it comes to analyzing the data, one state was a standout as the worst, with a scaled score totally 100, and it is Hawaii. The Aloha State is home to 47% of drivers who admitted to speeding in the last 30 days, and 32% admitted to eating while driving.
Sure, we understand that Hawaiians may be in a rush to head to the beach, prompting those three traffic violations. But aside from the behaviors we’ve already mentioned, Hawaii motorists rank highly for bad behavior such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, speeding 10 to 19 mph over the limit and texting while driving.
What About Tennessee Drivers? Where Do They Rank?
Drivers in the Volunteer State seem to be a little more cautious. In fact, Tennessee ranks as the best state overall for driving behaviors. While they may be the best on the list, Tennessee drivers still practice some bad driving behaviors with the worst being eating while driving. A whopping 26% of drivers surveyed admitted to eating while driving and only 11% admitted to texting while driving.
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Distracted Driving Is More Than Just Texting
When we think "distracted driving," we often think about texting, but eating and driving behind the wheel is also distracted driving - and it's the worst habit for drivers not only in Tennessee, but also Alaska, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.
Worst Drivers By Make of Car
The next time your on the road, keep your eyes open for those Chevy bowtie drivers. They rank as the drivers with the worst driving habits. To learn more about the study, visit Forbes.
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