The Chloe Randolph Organization invites you to An Evening of Remembrance to honor victims and empower survivors of domestic violence.

You're Invited to an Evening of Remembrance

Join the Chloe Randolph Organization for An Evening of Remembrance that will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024 inside Walnut Rooms A & B of Bally's Evansville. Attendees are encouraged to dress in purple as we celebrate the lives of victims and survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

Guests Asked to Dress in Purple to Honor Victims and Survivors


The event takes place October 26th as part of October being National Domestic Violence Awareness Month - a time when communities across the nation come together to support of victims, survivors, and their loved ones through awareness, advocacy, and education.

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Keynote Speaker Miss Kansas, Alexis Smith

The event will feature messages from keynote speakers including Miss Kansas, Alexis Smith. She herself is a survivor of domestic violence and an advocate for healthy relationships.

Miss Kansas, Alexis Smith, is a graduate of Newman University, with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Alexis’ community service initiative is Respect Reclaimed: Advocating for Healthy Relationships. It is Alexis’ mission to spread awareness of unhealthy and abusive relationships in all facets of life. Being able to identify what a healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationship looks like is vital in the process of comprehending how to practice healthy behaviors.
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Keynote Speaker Retired Detective Mark Wynn

Miss Smith will be joined at the event by fellow keynote speaker Retired Detective Mark Wynn. Mr. Wynn served 21 years with the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department and played a pivotal role in the creation of the largest police domestic violence investigation unit in the nation. He has traveled the globe sharing his knowledge and expertise.

He is a Fulbright Specialist for the Department of State and is a survivor, enabling him to teach both effectively and passionately. In short, he is devoted to ending domestic/sexual, elder and child abuse as a police officer, detective, educator, program supervisor and now consultant and advisor. In past 20 years he has traveled 2,478,313 miles to all 50 states and 16 other countries while visiting 1,250 cities, towns and villages.

Evening of Remembrance Ticket Info

An Evening of Remembrance will include a VIP Cocktail Hour with Meet and Greet from 4 pm - 5 pm. The Meet and Mingle will take place from 5:15 pm - 6 pm, and the dinner and keynote speakers will take place 6 pm - 9 pm. Tickets for the event begin at $75 (+ applicable online fees) and can be purchased online in advance at

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About The Chloe Randolph Organization

The Chloe Randolph Organization was founded by the parents of Henderson resident Chloe Randolph, the young Kentucky woman who, in March 2019, was found dead in the apartment she shared with her husband, Mohamud Abdikadir. He later confessed to the crime, and after several continuances and rescheduled court dates, plead guilty to that charge along with two charges of tampering with evidence. back in late September. Abdikadir is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence.

More Than a Statistic - a Catalyst for Change

Determined to not let Chloe simply become another statistic, her death became the catalyst for her parents and close friends to begin helping others who have found themselves in dangerous relationships. In October 2020, they opened The Chloe Randolph Organization Advocacy Center at 324 1st Street in downtown Henderson to provide a safe space for victims of domestic violence, and to help them get the assistance they need to escape including counseling, legal assistance, and more.

If you or someone you know in the Henderson, Kentucky area is in an abusive relationship and needs help, call the Advocacy Center at 270-830-9439. You can also reach them by e-mailing, or through the Contact form on their website. Outside of Henderson, you can utilize the National Domestic Violence Hotline online here or by phone by calling 800-799-7233 or text BEGIN to 88788.