Evansville Homeowner Warns: Beware of Fraudulent Door Solicitors
A homeowner had a solicitor knock on their door, only to discover they weren’t who they claimed to be.
Door-to-Door Sales
While door-to-door sales were popular in the past, they are not as common in the digital age. Many folks are leery of anyone who shows up at their door unannounced. I don't answer the door for people I don't know, so I pretend I'm not home if I can get away with it. That said, I will always answer my door for neighborhood kids selling things for fundraisers. That, I never mind. I have purchased many boxes of Girl Scout cookies and Boy Scout popcorn, and those peeler coupon cards from my neighbors' kids throughout the years. However, it's always important to be vigilant when answering the door for someone you don't know, one Evansville homeowner recently shared a scary encounter.
Evansville Homeowner Shares Warning of Fraudster at Their Door
When scrolling Facebook I came across a post that was a really good reminder to always be vigilant when opening the door, and never just trust that someone has good intentions. In the post, the homeowner Shelby, shared that a person came to her door claiming to be with ADT. She said that the person wanted to do a walk-through of the home. Shelby felt that something was off with this visitor, and quickly shut down the situation.
She reached out to ADT and learned that this person was a fraud. Here is what she shared to Facebook about the encounter:
Last night a young man came to my door about 7:00. Said he was with ADT. Offered no card or no credentials. Said that my recent home purchase triggered a new home discount of $2000 and that he was there to do a walk thru of my home and help me select my equipment. When I started asking questions he got upset. Used words like bro and dude. Which are all fine in a normal context. I told him I was not interested and he needed to leave. A quick google check and ADT actually made a statement that the do not employ door to door sales people and they have a number set up for you to call. (800) ADP-ASAP.Someone buying a home is public record on a number of different websites. This is a scam for people to get inside your house and see what you have that they want.
ADT Has an Online Tool to Verify Credentials
All ADT sales representatives, technicians and dealers wear company attire and will show you their ID. If they don’t show it, don’t believe them.
Don’t let anyone in your home without proper ADT ID.
If someone shows up to your house and even has the proper ADT credentials with them, you can go to ADT.com/verify and you can quickly verify that the person works for ADT. You type in their ID number and it will confirm their information for you. So if you want to be extra safe before talking with the person you can ask them for their ID number and verify it quickly online. If they are legitimately selling for ADT they will have that information ready to go.
ADT says that if you have a comment, compliment, critique or concern about an ADT employee, you can call them at 1-888-ADT-ASAP.
Every solutions advisor, technician, and corporate employee is properly trained and licensed to provide the best possible service to our customers. If you ever have a compliment, complaint, or concern about an ADT employee please call 1-888-ADT-ASAP
You can see Shelby's full post on Facebook by clicking here. Thank you for sharing your story and warning others, Shelby!
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Gallery Credit: Bethany Adams