Winter may be dreary, but you can invite colorful birds into your yard with these tips to attract cardinals!

Bird Feeding

Back in the summer, I purchased a few bird feeders for my backyard, and it quickly became one of my favorite hobbies.  I would get so excited seeing new birds come to my yard and always text my husband photos of any new bird friends who would stop by.  I feel like this sounds like a hobby for an older person, but I'm in my 30s and very much love having birds in my yard.  When winter came, the amount of birds coming to my yard slowed down, but I still always get excited to see birds stop by my bird feeders.  It truly is the little things in life.

Melissa TSM/Canva
Melissa TSM/Canva

Indiana's State Bird

The state bird of Indiana is the cardinal.  And who doesn't love to see a cardinal?  The males and females are both gorgeous shades of red, and it's hard to miss them when they come around.  Some people even believe that cardinals are signs from loved ones who have passed on that they're thinking about them.   They are a gorgeous native bird and a welcome visitor to anyone's backyard.  Not to mention when it snows, they look so pretty against the white snow!


How to Attract Cardinals To Your Yard

If you want to attract cardinals to your yard there are a few things you can do to help entice them. According to Simple Garden Life, cardinals do not migrate south for the winter, so not only can feeding them attract them to your yard it can also help them stay fed in the harsh winter months.

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Simple Garden Life says that most types of feeders will do, but cardinals seem to like platform bird feeders best.


They also say many birdseed mixes will attract a few cardinals, but having the right kind of seeds and nuts can ensure that you get dozens of red-feathered friends in the wintertime.

The key to successfully feeding cardinals all revolves around supplying them with seeds that both the males and females enjoy – and that give them big energy. This will not only help cardinals survive, but actually thrive throughout the entire winter season by providing them with plenty of the calories they need.


So what kind of seeds and nuts are best for attracting cardinals to your feeders?

Simple Garden Life recommends all types of sunflower seeds, but especially black oil sunflower seeds.   They also recommend safflower seeds, suet, and whole or crushed peanuts.  These different nuts and seeds are wildly popular and highly nutritious for our little red friends.  You can find out more about feeding cardinals in the winter and attracting them to your birdfeeder from Simple Garden Life, here, they even list a few other options and reasons why cardinals enjoy each of the seeds and nuts listed here.

LOOK: Stunning animal photos from around the world

From grazing Tibetan antelope to migrating monarch butterflies, these 50 photos of wildlife around the world capture the staggering grace of the animal kingdom. The forthcoming gallery runs sequentially from air to land to water, and focuses on birds, land mammals, aquatic life, and insects as they work in pairs or groups, or sometimes all on their own.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Caldwell