Historic Newburgh Fireworks Show Postponed Until August
Due to several circumstances including the river being high, the fireworks show has had to be postponed.
The Historic Newburgh Fireworks show was scheduled for July 5th, but unfortunately it has now been postponed until August 31st.
Here's what Historic Newburgh has to say:
Due to circumstances beyond our control the fireworks are postponed until Labor day weekend on Saturday, August 31.
The level of the Ohio River is too high for the fireworks company to be permitted to shoot the fireworks. While the river level is going down, there is 2ft to 4ft of mud on the boat ramp that cannot safely be cleared in time for the fireworks.
We have worked tirelessly for months to try to secure a barge for this event, with no luck. We have no other option for location on the riverfront due to state regulations for distance fireworks must be from buildings.
All times for the event, parking information, and food vendors will be the same on August 31.
VIP Buttons and VIP Reserved Seats are still valid for the August 31 date.
Be sure to adjust your plans accordingly, and have a safe and happy 4th of July!
Want to check out more fireworks shows? Click here for your ultimate guide to Tri-State fireworks!
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