Every Illinois School now gives students 5 Mental Health days off
As a part of new legislation in Illinois, every student has access to take up to 5 mental health days to get out of school, all part of Illinois' attempt to help students prioritize their mental health.

According to an article from dailyitem.com, Illinois is one of several states trying to help kids who are struggling with their mental health. Students in Illinois now have access to five mental health days that they are allowed to take and miss school when needed, all of this is in response to rising mental health issues in students following the COVI-19 pandemic. In the article they say...
"...several states including Illinois... have passed laws allowing all school-age children to exercise up to five excused mental health days off of school...In many ways, these new laws are a useful screener for which kids might be struggling and feeling overwhelmed. In Illinois, children who utilize their second mental health day will be contacted by their school counselor to check in and see if additional services are needed."
Illinois has passed this legislation along with other states like Virginia, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Maine, and Oregon, to read the entire article click here!
Going through school in the 90's and early 2000's was hard enough I can't imagine the struggle of going through school now with everything going on in the world and social media to deal with as well. I think it is really important to make sure our students have the ability to take care of their mental health so small and large incidents can hopefully be avoided in schools, but I do think it is also important for kids to experience some hardships and difficulties in schools to learn how to overcome and rise in the face of adversities but not at the cost of damaging their mental health.
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