
Illinois Diners: Why Does A Study Call Us America's Worst Tippers
Illinois Diners: Why Does A Study Call Us America's Worst Tippers
Illinois Diners: Why Does A Study Call Us America's Worst Tippers
Having several friends who work or worked in the food-service industry, I've heard the expression "If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out" for many years now. However, a study on tipping habits from coast-to-coast shows that Illinois is the worst state in the nation for what's our problem here in the Land of Lincoln with leaving the proper gratuity?
New Illinois Flag, Or No? You Can Vote Now Until Mid-February
New Illinois Flag, Or No? You Can Vote Now Until Mid-February
New Illinois Flag, Or No? You Can Vote Now Until Mid-February
The finalists of the flag design contest for a potential new Illinois flag have been named and added to the Illinois Secretary of State's website. Now it's your turn to weigh in on whether you think any of them should replace our state's current flag. Once that's done, Illinois lawmakers will decide to bring in the new flag or stick with the old one.

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