Springtime is here and we're all bound to feel a little bit better because of it, but there are other things that can affect our mood and we may not realize it.  I'm not referring to how your spouse or coworkers are treating you, I'm referring to more covert things that can affect your mood, such as what you eat.

I've heard the saying, "Garbage in, garbage out" in reference to many things, such as computers and sports performance, but it also applies to what we eat and how we feel.  Our foods can affect us mentally and physically.

Despite the warming temperatures and more daylight hours with the entrance of spring, if you're still feeling "down," maybe you should try increasing Omega-3 fats.  They raise serotonin levels, which in turn, relieves symptoms of depression.  Where do you get Omega-3 fats?

There are many sources for what ails 'ye...oily fish (sardines, trout, mackerel, tuna, salmon), eggs, turkey, chicken, nuts and dark leafy vegetables.  Be sure to get plenty of the vitamin B group with foods like spinach, beets, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, greens, bell peppers and lentils.  Also grab some tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, oats, whole grains, brown rice, strawberries, bananas, cantaloupe and watermelon.  (Some of these are my favorites and I eat them all the time, such as strawberries, broccoli, oats, spinach and bell peppers.)

Another key is to keep your blood sugar balanced.  If you eat lots of refined sugars and carbohydrates, you could be increasing your risk for depression.  Also fast foods, such as commercially prepared baked goods (donuts, croissants and bagels), yogurt, margarine, fruit smoothies, deli meats and canned soup, can increase your risk for depression.

Eat healthy and eat fresh, and along with the longer daylight hours and warmer temps, you'll be feeling better before you know it!


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