I don't know if Cesar Millan uses these ideas for his interaction with animals, but they sure make sense to me.  I've even used some of them for interacting with my cat and dogs, and they work.  It's been proven that our pets can help us feel calmer and healthier, so maybe we can do the same for them.  Read these tips and try them out, if you haven't already.  See how they work for you. 

Do you talk to your cat?  If so, you'll make it happier by talking in high-pitched meows and tones.  I "squeaky" kind of talking to your cat signals to it that everything's good.  If you don't like to try to meow, then talk in a higher tone, even in a baby talk kind of way.

Massage your cat because it reminds it of its mother's stroking and grooming.  You can massage gently, starting around the cat's nose, then top of its head, along the neck and spine.  Then stop.  If your cat wants more, it will let you know.  This "massaging" will release serotonin in your cat, which will make it feel closer to you.


Allow your cat to have an above-the-ground place to relax.  Instincts of cats tell them that it's safer to rest high, plus they can then watch what's going on around them.  If you want your cat to relax, it's going to want to have a higher perch.  This soothes it's natural instinct to have a way to "escape" danger.  Having this place can make your cat more sociable one.

Rub your dog's ears.  Gently rubbing a dog's ears can release feel-happy hormones in your dog's brain, which helps them to relax.  Rub the whole ear flap, slowly moving in circles.  Adjust the pressure, depending on how your dog responds to the rubbing.

Calm your dog's anxiety during a storm or when it's time to see the vet?  Be calm and reassuring because if you are nervous or upset about it, your dog will be, too.  You are the "pack leader," so your dog will follow your lead.  You can also distract your dog during these times by giving it a treat after each thunderclap or while in the waiting room.  This will give your dog a positive association to a negative one.

Talk to your dog in a low tone when you want it to respond.  Your lower tone reminds them of the lower and deeper pitch an alpha pack member uses to control the pack.  Lowering your voice and tone when using a command works better.  By yelling at your dog or using higher-pitched tones, you're reminding them of puppy sounds when pups want to play.  This discredits your authority.

I'm sure Cesar Millan will have many more useful tips for you when he appears at the Centre on November 23!

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