Three men from northern Kentucky were charged on Wednesday with the kidnapping, torture and dismemberment of another man in their attempt to “rid the world of the evil in it.”

According to the Boone County sheriff’s department, 19-year old Daniel Delfin (a suspected heroin dealer) was savagely beaten and strangled before being hacked to pieces with either a machete or a saw. Authorities say that three men murdered Delfin on January 9 before dismembering his body; leaving the torso and legs in a field and throwing his arms, feet and hands into a dumpster.

Thursday morning, Jeffery Allen, 21, Anthony Baumgartner, 23, and Stephen Harkness, 22, appeared in court, where all three men were represented by the public defender’s office. "They were going to rid the world, perhaps one person at a time, of the evil in it," said Boone County sheriff’s spokesman Tom Scheben.

Court records indicate that only one of the suspects has a previous criminal record - two of them are former Marines.

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