As noted in previous articles, spring has most definitely arrived.  The gardens are getting into full swing, and the land is green and lush.  And soggy.  Part of my lawn looks like a swamp.  The rains are upon us, and I know we need them, but it is difficult, especially since I own a big white dog, Willoughby, the Great Pyrenees.  White dogs and mud don’t work well together.  There seems to be an unknown magnetic force that draws them to each other, and the results are not pretty.  But that’s another story...

The tri-state community is continuing to be showered, or maybe more accurately, “hammered” with the phony IRS scam calls.  Our Consumer Task Force, which consists of representatives from local, state and regional government and law enforcement agencies, recently met and this scam is still at the top in all of our offices.

The BBB has sent out numerous alerts as have the other agencies, but we continue to receive calls from unsuspecting folks that have been targeted by this scam in which criminals pose as the IRS to trick victims out of their money or personal information.

The IRS continues to post alerts stating that they are not affiliated with these scams which often have various twists.

These calls are aggressive and threatening and may include warnings of police arrest, lawsuit, deportation and license revocation.   Other schemes may state that you are entitled to a huge refund.  They may alter the caller ID numbers to make it look like you are receiving a call from the IRS or another government agency.  They sometimes use IRS titles and fake badge numbers.

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