We've all been there. It's freezing cold outside. Fido has gone to the door to signal his need to go outside but when you open the door, he either won't go out or goes out and comes right back in because it's too cold and too wet outside.

Years ago, I had a doberman that would do this. He absolutely hated to go outside if it was raining and of course, if it was snowing you could forget about it. He was a bit if a primadonna at times, but he isn't alone. Plenty of dog owners face the same dilemma. Either their dogs don't like the feeling of being wet or they are uncomfortable with snow on their toes.

For some dogs, the issue is a matter of being able to smell where to go. Dogs use their keen sense of smell to know that a spot is acceptable to them and if it is extremely cold and covered in snow, it can be hard for their nose to pick up that scent. For smaller dogs it can literally be a matter of getting too cold too quickly, especially if the snow is deeper than an inch or so.

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So what's a dog owner to do? The Kentucky Humane Society has a wonderful life hack that is perfect for those of us living in climates where snow and frigid temperatures are unavoidable and it will only cost you a few dollars. In fact, you may already have the supplies out in the garage or in your camping gear. Lay down a tarp. That's it. Lay down a tarp before it starts to snow and when it's time for Fido to go outside, just fold back the tarp to reveal the ground in all its sniffable, snow-free glory! They say if you have a hammock, you can hang that to give them a little shelter from the falling snow too. This really is a great pet life hack and one I will be sure to remember when we adopt our next dog.

Keep reading to find out more ways to keep pets safe during freezing temperatures.

Tips to Keep Pets Safe in Freezing Weather

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