We have all done it. We Take pictures and videos when we want to keep a moment in our lives alive. For every big event, we post on social media, especially the first day of school. But, when you are taking the pics AND videos, be careful what things are in the background. They might put your child at risk.

My dear friend, from high school, made this post on her Facebook page and it really struck a chord in me. I'm always taking pics of my kids and granddaughter and posting them on social media. I really never gave it any thought. I never considered the the pics might contain information that could hurt them. But, that is exactly what happened when my friend took her daughter to college.

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It all seems harmless, until it's not. It's just fun and you're  proud. You don't think about anything bad coming from the pics, but it could. What a nightmare! Luckily, everything turned out ok and her daughter lives somewhere else now. She is safe and both she and her mom learned a very dark and scary lesson.

I'm as guilty of this as anybody else. I just never thought of it like that. I was very naive.

Please remember this story when you are take pics and videos of your favorite moments. Don't ever take any pics with any important, personal info in the shot. Yes, the moment is special, but not worth the price you might have to pay.

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Pictures of Joy

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