Wesselman Nature Society is hosting Bug Fest, a fun and free public event in the Nature Center on May 18th, 2013 from 12n-4pm. It will be a spectacular celebration of our friends the insects, spiders, worms and the like.

The adventurous types will enjoy the tasty culinary choices, with bugs as the featured ingredients. The creativity and curiosity won’t stop at the kitchen. There will be several interactive learning stations featuring butterflies, spiders, bees, and much more. Participants at Bug Fest will get to speak with experts from local universities and learn all there is about a bug’s life. Learning how insects think and behave, there will also be an engaging insect hunt for children.

John Scott Foster, Executive Director notes that “these are the critters that kids encounter ever day. We are fascinated by the big charismatic, but you aren’t going to find a wolf in your backyard, but you will find a wolf spider. It’s our hope that parents and kids will realize that it’s more fun to go bug watching the bug squishing.”


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